Anime directory

The main idea of ​​the directory is to help you find the next set to fill the void that will inevitably arise when you get to the end of the previous good series. Whenever possible, a link to the trailer name (or in the absence of an appropriate trailer) is appended to the prefix to illustrate the animation style. Feedback on the structure of the list is welcome!

Classifying series is often tricky because series can represent two or more genres at the same time, sometimes even changing their narrative style completely differently in the middle of the season. Above all, we strive for readability and usability. Too much information often makes lists difficult to understand.

The marking "Seinen" means that the series is aimed at an "adult audience". Later, we will also try to add a ranking/evaluation of e.g. anidb's position to the list. However, you can get the best idea by watching the trailer, etc.

In the order of entering the list, the aim is to prioritize the better series first. Or can you say "better" here when it's a matter of taste? We try to conclude something from the popularity of the series, and of course we rely on our own opinion as well.

Unfortunately, search functions and list arrangements are technically out of the reach of the editor currently in use, so for now, we're alphabetically sorting the series. The matter is being investigated and the introduction of a new editor is planned.

If you want to take part in compiling the list or notice a missing series that is still on the list - Please let us know!

> Comedy

> Action & Excitement

> Drama

> Ecchi