MMD Archive

Future View Innocence

Kancolle - Yura

The song is sung by Nyagoro-san, the original composition was made for Hatsune Miku. Composed by DenpolP, aka "Mr Koyori".

DenpolP / Mr. Koyori

君 色 に 染 ま る / TOKOTOKO

Kancolle - Fighters and others together!

The song is the same as above, but the workload embedded in the video and the coordination of the vocals is a tremendous accomplishment.

The author has not wanted to leave any information about themselves other than the name of their youtube profile.

Love Me (If You Can) / RE-2200

Kancolle - Nagato & Gangut

An original composed for vocaloids. by Umetora (梅 と ら)

Singer sAki.

Original Vocaloid ver.
sAki ver.

Tougen Tire / MOKA

Miku, Teto & Haku

The song is performed by GARNiDELiA.


Sweet Devil / RE-2200

Kancolle - Prinz Eugen (clear cloth)

Presented by ENE, Hatsune Miku's original song “Sweet Devil”.
Sweet Devil - Hatsune Miku
Sweet Devil - ENE

ロ ス ト ワ ン の 号哭 / 小 桜 (Kozakura)

Kancolle - Abukuma & Yura

Original vocaloid song “The Lost One's Weeping” composed by Neru

Singer Sana.


Pink Cat / RE-2200

Kancolle - Iowa

The song is performed by GARNiDELiA.


リ ト ラ イ ☆ ラ ン デ ヴ / い づ み り ん

Kancolle - Shimakaze

The song is composed by "Mr Junky", the song is performed by Rie Murakawa, who is better known as a voice actress.

Murakawa has performed numerous roles, among the most famous e.g. Re: Zerosta Ram.

Deep Blue Town / 桜 井 桃

Kancolle - Yamakaze

A captivating video from Yamakaze's song from the iMarine Project group!

Business data and music used to be free to download from the group's website. Now the group has been bought by a commercial company, and surprisingly all forms of free distribution have been removed but not specifically banned, see link.

In principle, we will not link to a new official video.